My hand controller read Sept 10. That was the last time I was at the scope. Between the weather and the brightening moon I hadn’t been out. It’s been a long day but I did what to get out and get in a few observations. It’s great that its getting dark earlier. I started out by syncing on Altair. The initial slew brought me very close. From there I went to globular M15 and then onto M2 which was slightly larger and brighter. Next I slewed to the Saturn Nebular C55. As with most planetary nebula’s they appear as a small out of focus star in the Nagler 17. There was a distinct blue/green hue. Moving south I went to M72 which was very faint and hazy. Next was the open cluster M73 which appeared small but with stars visible. Next, I did a GOTO M31 and it ended up directly in the middle of the field of view. One last object was M103 before parking the scope for the night.
Many times with this mount I have at least one or two problems. But tonight everything was spot on! What a pleasant change.
Start time 8:25 End time 8:54.